Foundation: Base of strength upon which loads will be built and carried
If a foundation is built first, and other loads and structures are built upon it such as blocks, bricks and pillars, it becomes typical that these secondary items as a second tier construct soon will bear the weight of and support another piece of work atop called a roof. This is an early historical construct. As time rolls forward designers, architects and builders add more features atop the foundation including multiple floors and levels... soon growing into modern skyscrapers. As if that wasn't enough soon constructs had no roof and humans began designing and reaching out for heaven and stars. As organizations add weight to their foundations with new products and services the question must become "Will our new offerings support the weight of our roof thus organization?" and "Is there significant strength to continue our controlled growth?"
We all have building blocks to work with and assemble—What are they and will there be future profit and progress during then after assembly?
Because of delays that have lasted in some cases Decades and in other cases Centuries, ergonomics as both product design and service flow throughout lifecycles is dramatically behind the curve of potential.we can assist in stabilizing foundation with constructive product blocks that engage where designs should have progressed years ago. Bricks and Pillars constructed through True Ergonomics and Scientific Ergonomics..
Think about what your organization produces. What is the buzz in your sector?
Which players are staging to build the next best platform?
Who is ready to plateau jump?
What plateua significace regarding strengths and weakness do they carry, and what do they see when they examine your group?
What is your organizational trajectory?
Often when the climate seems cold in a particular industry it is that precise moment that it is logical for that industry to become hot with a new twist and innovation.
Hindsight will often look 40/20... 'In Retrospect' your True Ergonomics may literally shock former competitors. Ask how we can help you form a Sector~Shock~Wave—Call Ergonomics at 269-544-7732 |