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Our Clients:
The World
the nature of client ergonomics demands strict confidentiality
it is for the good of all the world
the time for PR is ongoing...Marketing Impact Awaits Product Launch
we stand and run "at your service in confidence" can your team
Ultimately we will work for billionaires and we will work for the penniless and all those in-between.
The Keys to the Ergonomic Locks and Vaults (solutions fitting answers) = If your project is of Noble Intent, Endeavor, Sporting, Adventure, Fun and Then Some.
* We have few competitors on this Earth.
Most promise "NO RISK and Guaranteed Results!"
We offer you a thrill ride full of calculated risk where venture proceeds with industry leading control setting unprecidented standards...
I Promise!
Nick Mion
Ergonomics Founder and Project Spirit Guide
Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States, America, Earth
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